Madison had gotten a small stigh over the summer, which had turned into a hard small bump in her in lower eyelid. They had me put warm compresses on the eyelid twice a day but nothing seemed to help. Finally her doctor decided that he needed to go in and get it out himself.
Usually they take the bump out in the office but because Madison is only 6, they had to do surgery and put her under. It was the longest hour of my life and I pray I don't ever have to go through that ever again!
Madison was such a good little girl. We had to get to the hospital at 6 am to get her prep.
She didn't mind since they gave her, her own t.v. to watch playhouse disney.
Madison prepped her animals, lol.
Showing off her pjs that the nurse gave her.
My baby girl after she got done with her surgery. She had no clue where she was, all she wanted was her mommy and I was so happy to be there for her.
Madison was annoyed with her IV and eye patch. So they removed both for her to make her a little more happy. She was such a good trooper for everyone there and I couldn't have been more prouder of my baby girl.
A very special thanks to my friend Terri Lynn for coming to the hospital with us and helping me out with everything. Terri is truly a good hearted person and I couldn't image a better friend.