Saturday morning we were all ready to celebrate Payton's birthday at Chuck E. Cheeses in Topeka. It started all nice and good, everyone was smiling......

Then it all turned very bad very quickly. We were only 20 mins away from home when my check gage light turned on and then my car started to smoke.
Not knowing anything about cars, Terri, Bj, Kelly, and her dad all helped out trying to get us home. It was sure fun on the side of the highway with all the kids in the cars and the freezing weather outside.

20 mins away and it took us 2 1/2 hours to get home due to the car over heating every 5 mins.
I felt so bad for Payton but he was such a sweet little boy who just cared about us fixing our car and telling me it will be alright. I felt like I had Michael with me again.
Eddie and Bj fixing what they could in FREEZING weather. I made sure I had a fire for the guys to keep warm, but I don't think it helped that much.

Now the car is in the shop and hopefully it doesn't cost me a arm and a leg to fix it. It will be paid off next month and I would hate to have to go get a new car with a new car payment. Of course when Michael leaves everything has to go wrong and I cant just call him and ask him what I should do. Dealing with our car is very stressful and I hope it all ends soon. It has already been a week without my car, I need it back!!!!!!