I can't believe summer is already over and we go back to school in two days! Where did the time go? This summer has been much different then the past few we've had. We didn't spend the whole summer in California and when we came home Michael wasn't here to enjoy our new adventures or enjoy the activities we do every summer.
I choose to combine all the activities in one blog.
This summer Payton made homemade lemonade in California and made us all pay him to get some. Very clever little boy I have and it was yummy lemonade worth every quarter. Then Maddy wanted money too, so she made popcorn and sold it to us. Both of them made out with lots of money.

My two little fish really grew to love swimming this summer. They both learned how to swim under water and hold their breathes. Next year will be even more fun for them now that they can swim on their own.
While in California we made sure we stopped by Grandma Butler's house. Madison and Payton loved how much stuff grandma had in her house. It was like a museum as Payton would say. I was very happy that the kids got to spend time with their great grandma as well as myself. I love just being with grandma and catching up on everything.

We couldn't visit California without going to the beach a couple of times. It's always so peaceful when we go. It calms all of us and we just have a great time. The kids got to camping with their Bumpa again and this year I actually didn't stay the night. Over all we all agreed that we want to live at the beach, lol.

Vegas was a lot of fun this year again with the family. The first night we got there my sister Megan and I were able to get into a private concert with Bruno Mars playing 25 feet away from us. I won $190 dollars the first night and helped my dad win $50. Spending time with my sisters and my brother was really fun at the pool and going out at night was a lot of fun too. Next family trip will be fun with Michael coming and us going somewhere new.

One of the joys of going home this summer was that the kids got to meet their two new cousins. I forgot how much fun it was to have little children around all the time. Just playing and laughing with each other. We are very sad that we don't get to live near each other and have the kids grow up together. Hopefully one day we will all live near each other and enjoy days like that all the time.

This year we came home to KS for the 4th of July. It was a very hot dry day so we had to take lots of breaks at the carnival. Actually at one point of the day it was so hot that I took the kids down the street to the movie theater and we watched Cars2. We had a great night playing outside and then this momma even did her own fireworks and the kids loved it! Not the same as being in California or having Michael here but we made it work.

Payton got something exciting happen to him this summer. He got glasses!!!!! Madison went into the doctors to get her eye checked out and the nurse was nice enough to let Payton play along. With allowing him to do the test they discovered Payton is far sided. We went right away and got him some really cute glasses and he seems to really like them. Payton looks good in anything. This will also help him in school and will help him be even smarter then he is now.

This summer in Kansas seemed like the hottest summer we have ever had. It had reached 130 outside one day with the heat index. Most days it was way to hot to even go out swimming. The poor kids had to play outside only in the mornings and late afternoons. Luckily we live on a army base and we don't have to pay for our ac that was on all day and night. I felt really bad using that much energy everyday but it was just too hot not to use our ac. Now that its mid August hopefully it will start to cool down and we can enjoy our last days of summer outside.