It started this morning at 2 am when Bella decided to bark for 15 minutes. Then around the same time Payton came into bed with us. I am now in between Michael who already takes up half the bed and Payton who moves and kicks every other second. Lets just say when I got up this morning at 7 I was happy to be out of that bed. Payton on the other hand told me that school was close and he didn't have to go. When I asked why his school was closed he told me that the Principal wanted a play day and there was no school. (5 minutes later he was in his shower and I was making his lunch)
I was happy when he left for school because I didn't have to hear him saying he didn't want to go, but then there was Michael who sat next to me and started his wining about not wanting to go to work. In my head I thought REALLY!!!!! I just got done dealing with one who didn't want to leave and now I have to deal with the 28 year old version at 8 in the morning.On top of all of that I was trying to figure out this whole blogging thing out and if anyone knows me they know that computers, internets, and cell phones do not like me and I think they are only a fad. Now Michael on the other hand is very smart with technology and can pretty much do anything. With knowing that about Michael you would think he would just sit next to me knowing I was going to ask a hundred questions on how to get started. But no. He decided to get up and then I would ask for help and he would have to come back over to me and I could just tell he was thinking who in the world gave Ashley this idea to blog and where can I find them to kill them.
It is only 10 in the morning now and I have feed Maddy twice and taken a shower and have tried cleaning up but I just keep thinking to myself that today is going to be just one of those day that I wish hurried and got over with but then ill be laying in bed tonight thinking how did the time fly by? I cant even figure myself out. OYE
Great start darlin'. Can't wait for the book to come out...and then Oprah! Remember to blog the bad with the good...or it won't be real ife:)
How fun Ashley! How did you even get started? What a fun idea and keeps everyone else current with your family. I'll be listening!