Saturday, April 17, 2010

Payton Michael Mead

Where did I go wrong??????
Payton was the perfect baby. He was so happy and always cheery even if he didn't sleep. Even as a toddler he was the best little boy and he has always just been so good.
Something has changed and I need to know what so I can fix it. This week has not been a very good week for my little man. He has had to owe Mrs.Henry tickets everyday and Friday was the worst. He had no more tickets left and had to owe time in the circle for recess which he owed so much time that he actually didn't get to have recess. He told his whole class that he was going to to live at school so he could do what he wanted cause it was his home now and that I was not his mom anymore. Now this had not been the first time that I've been fired from my mommy role. Payton fired me a couple weeks ago when I was helping out in his class and I forget what exactly happened but I was fired and I actually think he asked Mrs. Henry if she could be his I know I have to be strong and stick to my guns with him but I feel that hes pushing all of my buttons just to see how far I will go.
But hes not all bad and Payton is a very caring funny boy who is just that, a BOY. He loves to play in the dirt and his big thing right now is Legos. Payton is a kid who hates wearing clothes and actually so does Maddy, not sure why the Mead kids hate wearing clothes but OK. Back to Payton, I just want my sweet little boy back to giving loves and wanting to be held and have his back rubbed while I sang to him. I'm just going to have to lock him in his room with me in it and wait till he changes back to his old self.

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